Traffic Stop Yields Terror Arrest of 2 Michigan Men

Traffic stop yields terror arrest of 2 Mich. men and Arraignments Likely For Men Caught With About 1,000 Cell Phones
Now I just heard on MSNBC that these guys may have been plotting to blow up the Mackinaw Bridge (connects Michigan’s lower and upper pennisulas). This AP report is the second I’ve heard and read about the bridge plot other than MSNBC first repeating the claim. Is this a hype machine behind this story? Why does someone need 1000 cell phones to blow up a bridge?
If this is a terrorist plot, as it has unfolded so far, it wasn't halted due to illegal eavesdropping or by federal intel. It was busted by a store employee contacting authorities and the local authorities intervening.
(The bridge’s name can be spelled Mackinac or Mackinaw. Depends on which side of the bridge you live on how you spell it, but it’s always pronounced Mac-i-naw.)
I've put an explanation of how mass purchases of TracFone prepaid phones are being resold as a profit on my blog.
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